
Tomahawk East League

2024 Standings

Final 2024 Standings

Seed Team Wins Losses GB Pct.
1 New Ulm Brewers 15 1 - .938
2 Leavenworth Orioles 13 3 2 .813
3 Courtland Cubs 12 4 3 .750
4 Springfield Tigers 11 5 4 .688
5 Hanska Lakers 10 6 5 .625
6 Lamberton Long Sox 9 7 6 .563
7 Stark Longhorns 8 8 7 .500
8* Sleepy Eye Indians 5 11 10 .313
9 Essig Bluejays 5 11 10 .313
10 Fairfax Cardinals 5 11 10 .313
11^ Gibbon Reds 4 12 11 .250
12 Searles Grizzlies 4 12 11 .250
13 St. James Athletics 3 13 12 .188

* Higher seed because of combined record against other tied teams (Sleepy Eye 2-1, Essig 1-1, Fairfax 1-2).
^ Higher seed because Gibbon defeated Searles head-to-head.

Playoff Seed Tiebreakers

  1. Head-to-head if two teams tied. If three or more teams are tied, then combined record versus the other teams tied with.
  2. Total number of wins by teams the tied teams defeated during the regular season.
  3. Each tied team's record versus individual teams, starting with the team with the best record in the regular season and moving down.
  4. Runs allowed versus the other tied team(s).
  5. Run differential versus the other tied team(s).
  6. Coin flip.