
Tomahawk East League

2019 TEL Players of the Week


#2 Zach Mickelson - OF

Leavenworth Orioles

Zach went 4-for-9 in 3 games with 2 HR and 5 RBI as Leavenworth went 3-0.

Zach Mickelson - Leavenworth Orioles


#28 Johnny Pistulka - P/OF

Lamberton Long Sox

Went 2-0 on the mound, pitching 10 scoreless innings, allowing just 1 hit, while striking out 17. At the plate, he went 2-for-5, with a 3B, 2 RBI, and 2 SB.

Johnny Pistulka - Lamberton Long Sox


#4 Ryan Sturm - 1B

Springfield Tigers

4-for-9 with 4 RBIs and 24 put-outs at first base during Sunday's doubleheader against Gibbon and Stark

Ryan Sturm - Springfield Tigers


#2 Kyle Fischer - 2B

Hanska Lakers

12-for-20, 2 HR, 4 2B, and 10 RBIs over the last week

Kyle Fischer - Hanska Lakers


#24 Matt Mielke - C

Sleepy Eye Indians

Wednesday vs Essig, 4-for-5 4 RBIs, Sunday vs Searles 2-for-3, 2 RBIs

Matt Mielke - Sleepy Eye Indians


#22 Alex Sellner - P/OF

Sleepy Eye Indians

Complete game shutout, 7 innings pitched, 5 hits allowed, 7 strike outs. Batting: 3-for-5, RBI, double, and 3 runs scored.

Alex Sellner - Sleepy Eye Indians


#17 Derrick Jenniges - P

Lamberton Long Sox

8 1/3 scoreless innings pitched over 2 appearances out of the bullpen, earned a win and a save, struck out 9, no walks, only 5 hits. Also went 1-for-1 at the plate.

Derrick Jenniges - Lamberton Long Sox


#10 Shawn Anderson - P

Springfield Tigers

5 shutout innings, 8 strikeouts, 2 hits allowed, 1 for 3 at the plate with a clutch two-out, two-run single, en-route to a 10-0, 7 inning win over Courtland.

Shawn Anderson - Springfield Tigers


No games due to rain.

Rain, rain go away!!


#22 Mitch Kelly - P

New Ulm Brewers

7 innings pitched, 15 strikeouts, 1 hit allowed on the mound, 2 hits at the plate in 9-0 win over Blue Earth.

Mitch Kelly - New Ulm Brewers


#4 Nick Labat - OF

Stark Longhorns

Went 1-1 vs Milroy Irish in a 6-1 loss.
Went 3-4 with a RBI vs Courtland in a 4-2 win.

Nick Labat - Stark Longhorns