
Tomahawk East League

2008 Standings

(Final 2008 Standings)

Seed American Division Wins Losses GB Pct.
1 Lamberton Long Sox 18 4 - .818
2 New Ulm Brewers 14 8 4 .636
3* Essig Bluejays 12 10 6 .545
4 Sleepy Eye Indians 12 10 6 .545
5 Redwood Falls Redbirds 7 15 11 .318
6 Gibbon Reds 3 19 15 .136

Seed National Division Wins Losses GB Pct.
1 St. James A's 14 8 - .636
2 Springfield Tigers 13 9 1 .591
3 Searles Grizzlies 11 11 3 .500
4 Hanska Lakers 10 12 4 .455
5# Leavenworth Orioles 9 13 5 .409
6 Stark Longhorns 9 13 5 .409

* Won both head to head matchups to earn tiebreaker edge.
# Earned tiebreaker edge due to a better division record after splitting their season series.